
If your domain's SPF record is too large or complex, our standard flattening algorithm may still exceed the 10 DNS lookup limit. By switching your account to use SPF macros, we can provide unlimited DNS lookups, ensuring comprehensive and efficient email authentication.

This guide will help you set up your SPF records using hidden includes and SPF macros. Our goal is to enhance your email deliverability and security by simplifying SPF management.

Why Use Hidden Includes?

Hidden includes allow you to manage your SPF records more efficiently. By using hidden includes:

  • Improved Performance: Reducing the number of DNS lookups can help prevent exceeding DNS query limits.
  • Enhanced Security: Centralized control over SPF records ensures consistent and secure configurations.

Benefits of SPF Macros vs. Automatic SPF Flatteners

When comparing SPF macros to automatic SPF flatteners, it is essential to understand the advantages of each:

  • Unlimited DNS Lookups with SPF Macros:
    • No Lookup Limits: Unlike automatic SPF flatteners, SPF macros do not have the 10 DNS lookup limit, allowing for more complex and comprehensive SPF records.

Creating the Hidden SPF Record

To create a hidden SPF record:

  1. Create a New DNS TXT Record: Copy the content from your existing SPF record and use it to create a new hidden TXT include record. For example, if your hidden include is, create a TXT record with the value:
  2. v=spf1 ~all

    Replace with your existing SPF record. Note: The information provided here is just an example and should not be used for production. We will provide you with the correct hostname to use when creating your record.

  3. Verify the Hidden Record: Ensure the hidden SPF record is correctly published by using an SPF validation tool.

Configuring Your SPF Record with a Redirect Rule

To update your existing SPF record to use the hidden include, follow these steps:

  1. Replace the Text in Your Existing SPF Record with the Provided Redirect:
    • Update your DNS TXT record to point to the macro include provided in the account wizard:
    • v=spf1 
  2. OR add the Redirect Mechanism to the end of your record:
    • If you prefer to keep your existing SPF mechanisms and simply add the hidden include, append the redirect mechanism at the end of your SPF record:
    • v=spf1
    • The redirect mechanism must be placed at the very end of the SPF record.

Updating the Hidden Include Record

If you need to update your SPF mechanisms we do not provide any web interface or portal, you will just update the text in your _hidden include and we will then update your macro:

  1. Modify the Hidden SPF Record: Update the hidden SPF record with the new mechanisms. For example:
  2. v=spf1 ~all
  3. No Need to Update Individual SPF Records: The AutoSPF system will parse your hidden SPF record ad dynamically update your Macro.