Within your AutoSPF account, you can add a new email service provider to your existing SPF record and you can also add a manual SPF Include Mechanism.

Here are the steps for adding a new email service provider to an existing SPF record.

  1. Login to your AutoSPF account.
  2. From the domain dashboard, select a domain that you want to work on.

  3. From the SPF Manager page, check the current SPF Manager list

  4. Under the current SPF Manager list, scroll to the "search for a service SPF record to include" drop-down. Let's say you will be adding Send grid to your existing SPF record, then you can search and select Send grid from the drop-down options.

    This dropdown provides a list of pre-configured Include from the most common email service providers.

  5. Next, ensure that the newly added email service provider appears on the SPF Manager list like the screenshot below.
  6.   Make sure to click on the "Save SPF record" button to save your changes.

Here are the steps for adding a new Include Mechanism to your existing SPF record.

  1. If you wanted to manually set the include mechanism for your selected email service provider, you can also update it under the "Add Include" section. Just click on the Include drop-down field and select the Include mechanism that you wanted to use.
  2. Then type the Include mechanism value on the Include field. 
  3. Click on the "Add record part" button to Add the record mechanism to your current SPF Manager record.
  4. Upon clicking the + button, ensure that the newly added Include Mechanism Value is appearing on the current SPF Manager list 
  5. Finally, click on the "Save SPF record" button to save your changes.

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